Tag Archives: ambition

3 Ways To Start Your Day Positive

Here are 3 simple ways to start your day off in a positive mental state. What are some other things you can do to start your day positive?

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Keep Going 💪🚀

Dear Leader,

Sometimes it takes years to be compensated for all the work you put in. In today’s world where everything is about instant gratification you gotta trust your process. Stay focused (keeping your vision in sight). Shoutout to the Leaders that have been working on their dreams and still building. Congratulate yourself today for making it this far!! Now let’s keep going!! #DreamBigLifestyle 💪🚀

Your Fellow Lifestyle Leader,

– Ruff

New Music: Middle Child Freestyle

This time Ruff is back on the Carolina wave going in on J. Cole’s Middle Child instrumental. Available for download and streaming on SoundCloud now. Check it out here:

Gifts With Purpose

Dear Leader,

We have all been chosen for a definite purpose by God. This purpose consists of the things we are good at through creation and skill to make someone else’s life better. Take it upon yourself to serve the world through your natural talents, gifts, and ambitions. Be bold in your pursuit of improving the world with no limitations, Dream Big!!!

Your Fellow Lifestyle Leader,


No True Limitations

Dear Leader,

You have no true limitations. Our physical body’s capabilities are not our full potential. Our environment is not our full potential. And neither one of these variables can determine what our potential is. All of us aren’t able to slam dunk a basketball in a 10 foot goal or run faster than a cheetah, but these limitations on our physical bodies DO NOT limit our potential.

We are capable of great things. Challenge your mind to see past your perceived handicaps and continue striving towards reaching your full potential. Dream big and believe!!

Your Fellow Lifestyle Leader,


Faith Is Everything

Dear Leader,

If you’ve been following me for a while you know how big I am on the power of faith. Faith can push us to do things most would consider impossible or very difficult. Faith creates confidence.

Below is a snippet of Hebrews Chapter 11 Verses 1-3 on faith:

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”

Faith is based on your belief.

All we really got is faith, think about it…. you only turn the light switch on because you BELIEVE the lights will come on. You continue to put one foot in front of the other because you BELIEVE it will move you in the right direction. You only start a new business because you BELIEVE it will be successful.

So here I tell you, Dream Big and have faith in your biggest dreams to make them possible.

Your Fellow Lifestyle Leader,
